CHEERS to the football team for its 12-0 record, its upcoming BCS bowl game and the national attention it has brought to the university.
JEERS to university officials and the lack of information they passed along to students when sexual assaults occurred on campus.
CHEERS to the volleyball team for receiving an NCAA tournament bid for the first time in team history.
JEERS to next year’s tuition rate of $30,000 – a price that has risen about 30 percent during the past four years.
CHEERS to Student Government Association for implementing new technology to increase accountability among representatives.
JEERS to moving the Christmas tree to the less publicly visible Campus Commons. Some traditions just shouldn’t be changed.
CHEERS the TCU iPhone application and the university’s efforts to become more integrated with the various technologies students use.
JEERS to the 70 percent increase in alcohol violations on campus and to the irresponsibility of those who chose to drink in prohibited areas.
CHEERS to the Interfraternity Council’s decision to add an extra day to the rush process, which will allow prospective members of the Greek community to find the fraternity that will best suit them.
JEERS to the high amount of vandalism at the GrandMarc and the disrespect individuals show to other residents when they commit such acts.
CHEERS to the end of another memorable semester, the beginning of a new decade and the excitement of all that is to come.
News editor Michael Carroll for the editorial board.