City police said Tuesday that two students, an alumnus and at least two other men arrested in a drug sweep Monday had dealt drugs on the TCU campus.
One of the students was arrested at his residence hall in Worth Hills, according to a police report. During October, November and December, police obtained probable cause for the issuance of a narcotic search warrant, according to the report.
Another student was arrested at his residence in The Berkeley Apartments on Park Hill Drive, according to a police report.
The alumnus’ residence is in the 3200 block of Greene Avenue, according to a Fort Worth Police announcement on the arrests.
The men arrested were served warrants for offenses ranging in severity from possession of marijuana, a misdemeanor, to delivery of marijuana and controlled substances, a felony, according to the police announcement.
Lisa Albert, director of communications for the university, wrote in an e-mail that she did not have specific information on administrative action taken, adding that “any student in violation of a law or the Student Code of Conduct (is) subject to a range of disciplinary actions from probation to expulsion.”
The student in Worth Hills was found in possession of 2 ounces of marijuana, and the student in Park Hill was found in possession of 15 Ritalin pills, according to a police announcement about the drug bust.
Police seized three weapons, including an AK-47 rifle and a handgun with obliterated serial numbers, as well as $20,000 in cash from two other suspects residing in the Ridgecrest Apartments on Ridgecrest Trail and the Oakwood Apartments on Oak Tree Circle, according to the police announcement.
City and campus police on Monday also arrested a GrandMarc resident in connection with what campus police described as misdemeanor drug possession. Police seized 1 ounce of marijuana from the student, according to the city police announcement.
The drug bust was a collaborative operation between TCU Police and Fort Worth Police units, including the Narcotics Unit and SWAT, as well as South and Central “Zero Tolerance” teams, according to police.
The Skiff on Tuesday was unable to obtain court documents for details.
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