The Staff Assembly should be commended for its efforts to reach out to the campus community.
Through the Purple Notes Campaign, the Staff Assembly is recognizing co-workers who have taken time to do something special. The campaign brings back the thoughtfulness that comes with a handwritten thank-you note, a simple action that can cheer up a person during a long day at work.
The Staff Assembly’s efforts to brighten peoples’ days are also reaching beyond the campus grounds. The assembly is considering adopting a Fort Worth park. At the park, university staff could continue enhancing co-worker relationships by planting trees together and encouraging their co-workers to join them while beautifying the Fort Worth community.
The efforts the Staff Assembly has made to extend its members’ green thumbs to the community and offer kind words to co-workers are greatly appreciated. Many people do not give back to the community enough, and people often do not take the time to thank someone for brightening their stressful work days.
With words of encouragement and acts of service, the assembly’s goal to unite fellow staff members and beautify the community is certainly a goal that all should add to their to-do lists.
Associate editor Anna Waugh for the editorial board.