While America has come far in achieving diversity, it still has much work ahead, said a former Tarrant County district judge during the first live broadcast of “The Alex Turner Show,” a campus radio talk show.
“We have moved forward to an extent, but we have not made it to the promise land yet,” said Clifford Davis, who as an attorney helped integrate the Mansfield and Fort Worth independent school districts and worked in the landmark Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education, which declared separate schools for blacks and whites unconstitutional.
People need to realize that everyone has potential value, Davis said.
The hosts of “The Alex Turner Show” discussed terrorism, stereotypes and racism in sports at its first live broadcast Monday night in the Campus Commons in honor of Diversity Week.
Alex Turner, the show’s founder, said he decided to start the radio show because there wasn’t a similar broadcast on campus and he wanted to cater a show towards college students that discussed social and political issues.
The hosts on Monday also discussed why certain ethnicities are automatically associated with terrorism. Turner said stereotypes are deeply rooted in our society.
In the context of Islamic Awareness Week also taking place this week on campus, the four hosts discussed how the events on Sept. 11 affected how the stereotypes people associate with Arabs.
People need to realize that terrorism isn’t people in turbans, Turner said during the broadcast. It is time for students to realize what real terrorism is.
Turner referenced how those involved in both the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and the recent Austin plane crash were white Americans, but the common misconception is comparing terrorism with Islam.
“You don’t have to be Islamic to be a terrorist,” Turner said.
Friends and listeners came out to support “The Alex Turner Show” and hear the four hosts’ point of views on a variety of issues.
Gary Briggs, a senior political science major, said he wanted to hear about Davis’ experiences. Briggs said he is aware of the work Davis has done with several court cases along with the integration of Mansfield Independent School District and wanted to hear more about it.
Briggs said he wants to support Diversity Week and his friend Turner.
“Turner is really trying to move the campus forward and try and make the campus more aware of political issues that we face,” Briggs said.