Riding a wave of success, the Trinity River Vision plans to continue promoting free tubing events during the spring.
Response was so positive to the event this summer that the organization added a third float down the river to accommodate the demand for the activity.
Laura Bacigalupo, public information officer of the Trinity River Vision Authority, said:
“We were overwhelmed by the positive response from the second float, so we decided to squeeze one more tubing happy hour in before the end of the season.”
Runners on the Trinity Trail stopped in their tracks to watch the 100 people carrying tubes and coolers into the river. The group of floaters experienced a new kind of happy hour that did not involve a restaurant or a bar.
Trinity River Vision Authority hosted this “Tubing Happy Hour” and invited their newsletter followers to drink beer and have a good time while floating along the Trinity River.
Although the tubers jumped right in, many people fear that the river is not safe for recreational use.
However, “There is no water quality issue here, it’s the same water that comes out of Lake Benbrook and Eagle Mountain Lake that people swim in every day,” said Shelby Lyon, a TRVA employee.
All misconceptions aside, J.D. Granger, executive director of the authority, hopes that this new activity could change people’s perceptions about recreation in Fort Worth, or at least encourage them to take advantage of the river.
“Civilians should be able to enjoy floating the river locally just like they could in other parts of the state,” Granger said.
The second happy hour attracted twice as many people as the first river float. Tarrant County Water District donated the tubes and equipment to ensure that everyone who responded to the invitation would be able to attend.
People were asked to make reservations so the correct amount of tubes could be supplied.
“We actually had to start telling people that we were over capacity,” Lyon said. Those who brought their own equipment were still encouraged to join in.
Although the fall season brings an end to the summer floats, Trinity River Vision Authority employees are excited about scheduling more events next year.
“There are no more floats planned for this season, but there will definitely be more tubing events on the river throughout next spring and summer,” Bacigalupo said. Scheduling these events are directly related to the positive feedback from the tubers.
For more information about the Trinity River Vision Authority or to learn more about the Tubing Happy Hour, visit http://www.trinityrivervision.org and sign up for the newsletter.