The Jan. 29 honoring of basketball great James Cash was a long time coming.
It is fun to have had a part in James Cash’s TCU jersey retirement. When I was a student at TCU from 1972-76, my father was friends with then-head basketball coach Johnny Swaim. One day I asked Coach Swaim if he had any old jerseys around that he would let me have.
He ended up cleaning out the closet of over 50 sets of uniforms from three different uniform styles. I hauled them back to my dorm room in three big trash sacks.
Over the next 25 years those uniforms were used for intramural games at TCU and in YMCA league teams in Houston. Back around 2001, I collected what was left from attrition and still had around 30 full uniforms. They included uniforms worn by Mickey McCarty and James Cash, along with a lot of others.
Members of the Frog Fan Forum helped me contact most of the original owners of the uniforms, and they were all sent to guys who could display them at their home or office.
McCarty’s jersey was on display at his funeral last year. James Cash got his home uniform and the TCU Lettermen’s Association got the away uniform to display.
It is great that his number is now retired. That uniform traveled many places and was used by many players who didn’t know the historical significance of it. I’m glad it didn’t get lost over the years and that it is now back in the hands of the man who so truly deserves it.
Tom McAdow
The Netherlands