Since its premiere, “The Alex Turner Show” has undergone several changes, including implementing an entirely new panel of voices, new perspectives, and even a new format, to try and reach a wider audience.
The show, which airs on KTCU at 10 p.m. Mondays, is composed of a panel of students who present discussions on national issues in topics such as politics, social news, sports and any topics relevant to college students. The radio talk show hit the airwaves in January 2010 and has since grown in the number of listeners and its overall structure.
The show’s executive producer, Michael Ma, said that although the radio station did not have the funds to acquire equipment to keep track of the show’s ratings, the show has an online audience that reaches as far as New York and California.
With a cross-country audience, junior political science major Alex Turner, the show’s creator, said he wanted more TCU students to become avid listeners of the show.
Turner said the show receives more comments from people who attend other universities and even live outside of Texas, but said he did not know why the show did not have much interaction from TCU students.
“We’re going to develop a campaign to get everyone on campus to understand who we are. We’re gonna attack the library and put ads in the BLUU,” Turner said.
Other than creating a Facebook fan page as a means to reach students, Ma said the show also has a YouTube channel to reach its listeners. On its channel, “thealexturnershow,” there will soon be uploads of past shows so listeners can go back and review previously discussed topics.
Turner said the show’s members also decided to play music that was not normally played on the radio in between their discussions to draw in a wider audience,. He said he didn’t want to bore his audience with commercials, but wanted to entertain them.
“Right now, what we’re trying to do is put the focus back into music to draw in people who don’t usually listen to politics,” he said. “This is not just a talk show 8212; it’s a music show too. Why not play good music that isn’t really heard of, not pop stuff that’s played over and over again on the radio?”
Ma said Turner, Andrew Wong, Colton Evans and he made up the original panel for the show, but that changes have occurred since then. Ma, a junior film-television-digital media major, is now heads the music, phone lines and commercials as the show’s executive producer.
Five new panel members replaced Evans and Wong: sophomore strategic communication and political science double major Azim Hussain, sophomore strategic communication major Varun Pramanik, freshman history and political science double major Christian Lueck, sophomore business major Nick Martin, and junior journalism major Alyssa Linkletter.
Turner said that in addition to the new viewpoint a female commentator added to the show, listeners requested a female panelist, too.
“We felt we needed a female voice,” Turner said. “She could offer more of a female perspective, especially on issues such as abortion and gender equality.”
Linkletter said she was referred by Wong and said she was excited to be on the panel.
“It’s definitely interesting to be the only female on the show and seeing how my opinion can at times clash with the rest of theirs,” she said. “The show has enabled me to be more assertive when expressing my opinion.”
The show tries to provide a variety of views from people of different backgrounds, Linkletter said. The panel’s members are of different nationalities and ethnic groups, with students who are African-American, Asian-American, white and some with East Indian and Pakistani descent.
Director of KTCU Russell Scott said he had been associated with the show since its beginning and that he was happy with the way it evolved.
“[Turner] has taken the ball and run with it,” Scott said. “It’s gotten a lot better, but I think he’s done a good job with it.”
Turner said he planned on having a Black History Month program to lead a discussion in why certain months of the year are designated to celebrate certain ethnic cultures. The show will participate during Community Week in April and provide live performances from local musicians.