New cameras part of surveillance effort
Published Oct 14, 2011
New security cameras are being installed in parking lots and buildings around campus, TCU Police Sergeant Kelly Ham said.
“Thanks to the administration and a lot of hard work by a lot of people, TCU has decided to go forward with a major expansion of the video coverage on campus,” he said.
The project was approved last week, and a meeting will take place today to deploy the cameras, Ham said.
The purpose of the cameras is to protect students, he said. No cameras will be placed in areas where students have an expectation of privacy.
All parking lots on campus will be covered by video surveillance, Ham said. Some of the lots already have cameras in place, and the others are soon to come.
Cameras with a license plate recognition system will be placed at the entrance and exit of each lot. Every lot will also have overhead surveillance, Ham said.
Taylor Frederick, a senior strategic communication major, said knowing the cameras will be in place made her feel safer on campus. She said she did not expect the cameras to prevent theft but found it comforting to know that because of the cameras, there is a possibility of catching the thief.
It was reassuring to know that those who commit crimes will have a higher chance of facing consequences, thanks to the video surveillance, Frederick said.
“We have had the cameras in the freshman lot already, and have made several arrests of car burglars due to this tool,” Ham said.
Building entrances, exits and hallways will also be covered by video surveillance, Ham said. This includes all residence halls on campus, where the cameras can be used in sexual assault cases to determine if the accused was in the building.
Ham said the cameras will help in detect theft and promote on-campus safety.