Slideshow: Ultimate frisbee club seeks competition and fun
Published Oct 14, 2011
Members of TCU’s Ultimate Frisbee Club said they hope to hone their skills and increase awareness of the sport on campus this semester.
The Ultimate Frisbee Club has existed for at least seven years, said Michael Matthis, co-captain of the team. Although membership has increased over time, he said not many students knew about the club.
“We want to encourage the sport,” Matthis, a sophomore criminal justice major, said.
Ultimate frisbee is a non-contact sport similar to soccer and basketball. The frisbee is thrown from player to player, and goals are made by throwing the frisbee to a player standing in the opposing team’s end zone, Matthis said. Players who catch the frisbee cannot move until they throw the frisbee to another player.
“It’s just exhilarating for me,” Matthis said. “It’s a combination of so many sports I like.”
Although they play for fun, the club will compete against other ultimate frisbee teams in the Dallas-Fort Worth area next semester, Matthis said. In the past, members have competed against teams from Baylor University, Texas Tech University, the University of North Texas and several non-college teams.
Co-captain Camille McDonald said one of the team’s main goals this semester is to play well enough to participate for the first time in regional and national championships. In order to participate, the team must progress through sectionals, which are similar to play-offs.
“We’ve never been to regionals, so we really want to do that this year,” she said.
Austin Billman, a sophomore business major, said he joined the team his freshman year after playing the sport in high school. He was a biology major at the time, and the Ultimate Frisbee Club gave him a way to unwind after long hours of stressful course work.
“For four hours every week, I could relax,” Billman said. “It was very calming.”
Billman also enjoyed forming lasting friendships with his teammates. He said the team often spends time together outside of practice watching TV or going out to eat.
Bill Bartholomew, senior accounting major and former captain, also played ultimate frisbee in high school before joining TCU’s team. He said he continues to play not only because he loves the sport, but also because it is a great way to stay in shape.
McDonald said she had not played Ultimate Frisbee before coming to TCU, but wanted to get involved with athletics in some way. She joined the club during her first year after attending a practice with her RA.
“I love the team atmosphere,” she said. “It’s also a great leadership opportunity for me.”
Matthis said he enjoyed playing because the sport is low-stress, and players focus more on having fun than being competitive.
“There’s no one telling you what you’re doing wrong except yourself,” he said. “There’s no criticism.”
When: Tuesday & Thursday, 5:00-7:00
Where: TCU Intramural Fields
Who: All students are welcome.
Contact: Camille McDonald or Michael Matthis