Rose Pierce-Tenney said she was determined not to let finals get the best of her this semester.
“I am always completely exhausted by the end of finals, so I am making a to-do list to better manage my time,” Pierce-Tenney, a senior communication studies major, said.
It is important for students to have stress relief techniques to return to a calm and relaxed state of mind, even if the stress is still present, according to an article from Fox Business. Pierce-Tenney said going for a run helped her clear her head.
“I try to take one hour out of each day during finals to go for a run and get exercise,” she said.
Makenzie Fitzgerald, fitness trainer, nutritionist and owner at Inside Out Fitness and Nutrition, said taking a break from studying to exercise was one of the best ways to get the mind back on track.
She said exercises such as running, walking, stretching or yoga increase blood flow.
Taking steps to manage stress helps protect individuals from serious health problems, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
People who exercise have higher mental processes of memory and the ability to juggle different tasks at the same time, according to the Franklin Institute. Taking care of one’s body is a simple and efficient way to curb anxiety and stress overload, Fox Business reported.
Caroline Crawford, a senior fashion merchandising major, said walking her dog and cooking was how she relieved stress during finals.
Fitzgerald said she recommended eating a combination of protein and carbohydrates every four hours. When planning meals, students should strive for a ratio of 14 grams of carbohydrates for every 7 grams of protein.
Along with a healthy diet, sleep is extremely important in combating stress, Fitzgerald said.
“Oftentimes when we are under stress,… sleep is the first thing we cut out,” she said. “It effects our concentration, energy and brain function.”
Pierce-Tenney said she did not perform well on tests if she did not get proper rest. She said she noticed her scores were always higher after she a good night’s sleep.
Finals are never easy, but there are ways to make them less stressful, Fitzgerald said. She said everyone needed to figure out what works best for them.
Energy Boosting Snacks from Fitness Magazine:
1. Fresh Bananas and Apples
2. Yogurt and Cereal
3. Popcorn
4. Half of a Turkey Sandwich
5. Red Pepper and Hummus
6. Almonds and Walnuts
7. Soy Crisps