TCU students are going to be able to spend more time with their families and friends this winter break.
Winter break will be from Dec. 17 until Jan. 17, a full month off from school for students.
Patrick Miller, registrar and director of enrollment management, said the length of winter break depended on where Christmas fell on the calendar. Miller is responsible for creating the academic calendar each year.
He said the length of winter break is determined by the University Council. The University Council is a group of elected campus representatives who handle all academics matters for TCU.
Winter break must begin before the closest Saturday to Christmas and not fall after Dec. 21 of each year.
This year, Dec. 17 was the closest Saturday to Christmas that did not fall after Dec. 21. Miller said he presented the final calender to the University Council and it was approved on Nov. 15.
Joridan Sele, junior middle school math education major, said he’s ready to relax during winter break. He said this year’s Christmas will be different for him because he will be on campus because he is a resident assistant.
“I’m looking forward to seeing how well I can take care of myself on my own because the [Brown-Lupton University Union] is not open [during break],” Sele said. He said he planned on going to church this Christmas because it is a family tradition.
He said he was not sure what he is going to do for New Year’s Eve because he does not know where to go in Texas.
“It doesn’t matter where I am, I’m just not in school for a month,” Sele said.
Senior mathematics major Clara Ramirez said she is looking forward to winter break but she feels differently about having a longer vacation.
“I think it’ll be nice to be home for a month, but it can get boring,” Ramirez said.
She said another problem with a longer break is it may be difficult for some students to get back to campus because of weather conditions.
“I live in Texas, but I missed the first day of classes last spring semester,” Ramirez said.
Tristan Tayag, professor of engineering, said he was unaware of the longer break.
“I didn’t even realize it and I think that’s great,” Tayag said. “In the future, if we continue with [a month long break], we’ll probably plan for a little travel because my family is from the east coast.”
Tayag said if there is more time off during winter break, it would be easier to spend time with his family. He said he is very excited to spend time with his wife and two daughters.