The Student Government Association seemed to have good intentions when it sent out its first survey to the entire student body. The survey touched on points of the university’s size, history, football season and ice machines in residence halls.
Although at first glance the topics look like they would cover the whole of the student population, there are quite a few groups of students left out of a bulk of the survey. Half of the survey, questions seven to 17, dealt with football season and tailgating before sporting events. Students who are not interested in sports or tailgating are left out of half of the 20-question survey.
The first topic the survey mentions (the university’s size) has been an area of concern for some students who have wondered if classes would get bigger or if parking would get more competitive.
This is where student input should be most observed because the incoming class of freshmen grows each year. In order to keep the small community many students like, these questions should be weighed heavily.
The same can be said about the university’s history. Sure, Frog Camp and orientation help introduce new Horned Frogs to their university’s history, but many just know it for that week or so and forget it. Knowing the history of your university is part of the pride every Horned Frog should have.
The open comment section about what issues SGA should advocate for on behalf of the students and the section about if there is anything missing from the student experience at TCU allowed more people to take part in the survey. However, there should be more than just two questions for these open comments.
Overall, though, SGA’s initiative in trying to get the student body’s feedback in such a widespread way is a step in a good direction for a better represented university.
Chelsea Katz, managing editor, on behalf of the editorial board.