Student Government Association members allocated money Tuesday evening to test a carpooling website for students looking for rides to and from TCU.
SGA representatives passed a bill to use $2,500 for the purchase of a one-year trial of Ridaroo and marketing funds for the website.
SGA President Brent Folan said the contract for Ridaroo was still in the legal department, and it was uncertain if the contract would be ready in the near future.
If the legal department does not approve the contract, an amendment was added that stated any unspent money from the contract would be returned to SGA.
SGA House Speaker Dalton Goodier said the bill was passed 35-11 with one representative abstaining.
The bill was extensively debated before the final vote.
Representatives who supported the bill argued the website would be a great help for students looking to find rides to and from TCU.
There would also be no danger of students getting rides from strangers, the representatives said. Folan said the website would allow only students to give rides and there should be no fear of students carpooling with non-students.
Opponents argued there was too much uncertainty with the bill, and the money could be spent better elsewhere.
Kari Berdelle, a College of Communication representative, said there was not much student concern about finding rides.
The House of Student Representatives also unanimously passed a resolution to send the results of the recent student body survey to the TCU Board of Trustees with recommendations.
According to the legislation, these recommendations included keeping future undergraduate enrollment at lower than 8,500 students and future admissions requirements be the same or higher than current requirements.
In addition, SGA recommended that the physical campus size be increased only slightly based on the results of the survey according to the legislation.
SGA also encouraged the board to “consider the importance of school history, heritage and tradition as it plans for the future of TCU,” according to the legislation.