A new club on campus will use its members’ knitting skills to serve others.
Junior French major Cassandra Mech founded Hooked on Helping: Club for Knitters this semester. The purpose of the club is to knit for a different charity each month.
“I’ve always really enjoyed charity work and this is the best way for me to do it because I don’t have a lot of time,” she said.
Mech started knitting her sophomore year of high school. The idea for the club grew out of her love for knitting and passion for helping others, she said.
Mech was hesitant about starting the club because she did not know if the group would be successful. There have been three meetings so far, Mech said.
“I’m actually really surprised I’ve had this many people come to the first few meetings,” Mech said. “But I’d really like to have more people involved.”
The club has grown to 16 members over the last three weeks, including one male, she said.
Amy Stewart, instructor in choral music, and faculty help her for the club, said she immediately jumped on board when Mech talked to her about the club.
“I really enjoy knitting, and I wanted to teach some other people how to knit,” she said.
Junior anthropology major Carolanne Appedole said she joined because she wanted to learn to knit and support Mech.
Knitting has become very relaxing and a chance to connect with other members, Appedole said. It has also given her a reason to knit.
“I like knitting. I just don’t need everything I knit, and I like the idea of being able to give it [away],” she said.
The first service project will be called Knit a Square, Mech said. Everyone will knit an eight-inch square to create a blanket for orphaned infants in Africa suffering from AIDS.
Students do not have to attend the weekly meetings to work on the projects, Mech said. She said she will keep knitters updated on projects, and they will be able to send her completed items.
Mech said she will be at Starbucks inside the TCU Bookstore on Sundays for people who cannot come to Thursday meetings or who want to get extra help.
“I would encourage people to join because it’s a really fun way to do something for others,” Mech said.