Playboy ranks TCU ninth best ‘party school’ in country


TCU was ranked No. 9 in Playboy’s 2012 “Top 10 Party Schools” list. According to the editors of Playboy, America’s top 100 colleges were ranked across a 900-point system in the categories of sex, sports and nightlife.

Chancellor Victor Boschini released a statement on the rankings: “Playboy‘s ranking methodology is unclear. As such, they do not carry a lot of meaning and do not accurately represent TCU students or fairly portray the type of experience students receive here on this campus.”

Students had mixed thoughts about the university making the list. Felicia Mossler, junior anthropology major, said she was surprised by the ranking.

“I don’t think that there’s that much partying around here,” she said.

Senior sociology major Austin Alex said he hadn’t experienced the nightlife that boosted the university to the No. 9 spot on the list.

“It’s funny because I can never find anything to do on the weekend,” Alex said. “Either there’s more out there than I know, or schools have gotten really boring these days.”

While some students rarely encounter the party scene, others said they were well-aware of its existence. First-year nursing major Abby Sisk said it was never difficult to find something to do on a night out.

“I can find a party anytime I want, basically,” Sisk said. “Everyone wants to go out no matter what.”

Junior strategic communication major Taylor Kennedy said he thought the university’s presence on the list wouldn’t taint its image.

“We had the drug incident and we’re still doing fine,” he said. “People still respect us and know who we are. Our academics and athletics stand out more than a few kids going out and partying on the weekends.”

Alex said he believed the ranking could even bring in more potential students and help the university’s image.

“I think it’s a good thing, because [TCU is] going to have more applicants I’m sure,” Alex said. “People want to come to college to have fun. I don’t really see [how] there could be bad in this.”

This is the seventh year Playboy has released a list of top party schools, and it is the first time the university has made the list.