The Student Government Association met for the first time this semester Tuesday night with openings in the Student House of Representatives.
Currently, the House has seven open seats that would otherwise be filled by representatives elected by the student body. Jansen Harrison, SGA Elections & Regulations chairman, said that these openings appear to be a changing of the guard as seniors graduate; new classes create schedule conflicts and busy lives get in the way.
The open seats are not as much a problem as they are an opportunity, he said.
SGA Honors College Representative Ryan Tiglas said, “House isn’t going to fall apart. It still functions fine. That being said, it’s always better to have a full House just because you have more opinions.”
Harrison said more students could get involved due to the current available seats in the House.
“Basically just go to our SGA website, and we have the applications online," he said. "They just fill out a simple application.”
Harrison said that he and his committee will review all applications and interview each student before they make a decision on their acceptance into the House.
In addition, Harrison said that even if all House positions were filled, students can still get involved by attending open committee meetings.
“You can still get involved with SGA and make a huge difference just by joining,” Harrison said.
For more information on SGA, visit the organization's Facebook Page, or follow them on Twitter.