Students from the university's Greek community attended the first town hall meeting for the Collaborative Greek Alliance Monday night where members of the executive board discussed the role of CGA and the ideas they had for the semester.
The meeting began with senior nutrition major Mariana Skertchly explaining the purpose of CGA and the way CGA would work.
“Our purpose is to unite the Greek community and start fostering collaboration, more open communication across councils and really start to build more of a community amongst all of our five councils,” Skertchly said prior to the meeting.
The five Greek Councils are the Panhellenic Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Multicultural Greek Council, Interfraternity Council and the Independent Greek Council.
Skertchly said she was one of the founding members of the CGA, and the members of the executive board were introduced during the meeting. The board includes Khang Nguyen, Nick DeValeria, Jacob Oatman, Carolyn Hesse, Haley King, Alexis Baker and Michael Meek.
During the meeting, executive board members proposed creating a calendar with all the fraternities' and sororities' events on it in addition to holding a block party. At the end of the meeting the board allowed students to make suggestions about what they want CGA to do for this semester.
After the meeting, sophomore religion major Michael Meek, director of recording for CGA, said a good strategy for CGA would be working together and having clear communication with all the organizations that it works with.
First-year fashion merchandising major Khang Nguyen, executive director for CGA, also said he hopes to build a stronger relationship between the councils.
Junior math major Jaynie Pallasch, current president of the university's chapter of Alpha Delta Pi, said she thought having the councils get involved with each other was a good idea.
“I think it will be really great to also get [other councils] involved in our activities and to get involved with their activities as well and to just be more educated on what they do,” Pallasch said after the meeting.
To learn more about CGA, contact the executive board or visit the office of Fraternity and Sorority Life on the first floor of the BLUU.