The flu is in full effect around the metroplex taking a toll on student absences.
“We have definitely seen a large impact in school,” Westcliff principal Sara Gillaspie said. “Our secretaries have been tracking attendance numbers and reporting these to the district.”
Many parents have concerns for their children and are taking extra precautions.
“It’s scary as a mom to send my child to school during this time of year because of how easily you can get sick with so many students together,” parent Christina Gilbert said. “I took my daughter to get a flu shot, and I carry hand sanitizer with me at all times.”
Schools are stressing the importance of keeping up with schoolwork if a student is affected by the flu.
“Since it’s the end of the semester, it can impact a student, but parents can get in contact with the school to pick up their child’s work so they do not fall behind,” Gillaspie said.
Since flu season usually peaks around January and February, schools are educating students on what they can do to prevent becoming ill.
“We have posters around the school to educate students,” Gillaspie said. “Hand sanitizer is available, and we educate our students on how important it is cover the mouth when coughing and sneezing. Also, we tell students to make sure they are fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.”
Fort Worth ISD is also informing employees of the dangers of the flu and encouraging employees to get their flu shot. The district held flu shots at Central Admin Wednesday January 23rd.
“It’s a great idea for the district to offer this to their employees,” parent Valerie Judice . “I want to make sure that the faculty and teachers around my children are taking every step that they can to ensure they are in good health.”