University students are reaching out to the community this month as they tutor children of faculty and staff.
The College Resource Committee organized free tutoring for students from sixth to 12th grade. Tutoring in all subjects is offered along with SAT and ACT preparation, Ashley Circo, a sophomore business and Spanish double major, said.
Because of the relationship with university staff and faculty, this service is a special occasion, Circo said.
“It kind of shows that the community comes full circle. The teachers are teaching us, and we are teaching their kids," she said. "I just think it’s a unique experience and opportunity."
The free tutoring began Feb. 5 and continues through March 6 every Tuesday and Wednesday night in the Tucker Technology Center.
If the tutoring program was offered throughout the school year, students would continue to take advantage of the help, Tyler Green, a junior at Paschal High School, said.
The students feel that they can relate to the TCU tutors because they are also students and there is less of an age gap, Green said.
“I was really impressed," he said. "You’ve got a lot of really good tutors, and I liked the one-on-one factor."
Some of the returning students from last year still recognized their tutors, Mary Martinez, a member of the College Resource Committee, said.
“You can see that they are coming because they really need the help, and we have had nothing but positive feedback from all of them," she said. "Even the parents have expressed how this has helped their students understand what they are doing.”
The tutors got involved for different reasons, but they are focused, kind and smart, Elizabeth Pettijohn, a member of the College Resource Committee, said.
“They are generous," she said. "They have other work they have to do when they come here, and they still come and give us one or two hours."
The College Resource Committee is part of the TCU Staff Assembly. The committee is mostly focused on tuition policies for the dependents of faculty and staff, Pettijohn said.
The university community can grow with tutoring because the students can build a positive relationship with their tutors, Martinez said.
“These are kids who are hopefully going to be future TCU students," she said. "Being able to be with a TCU student tutoring them, it’s been really great.”
The free tutoring is part of the committee’s work to inform university faculty and staff about the resources available to them, Pettijohn said. Future events for the committee include a tour of the university for middle school students on March 14.
For more information about the College Resource Committee and events, contact Pettijohn at [email protected].