Beta Upsilon Chi will hold its annual date auction Thursday in the Brown-Lupton University Union Ballroom.
This year’s theme “Southern Comfort Zone” sets the stage for BYX fraternity members to take students on group dates.
“We have a variety of different dates, so there’s pretty much one for everybody,” President Ryan Tiglas said.
Some of the dates include floating down the Guadalupe River, weekend lake trips with friends, a NeedtoBreathe concert and a series of Billy Bob’s concerts, Vice President Forrest Broyles said.
The doors will open at 7:30 p.m., and there will be J. Rae’s cookies and sweet tea. Students can mingle and talk with friends, Broyles said. The actual auction will begin at 8 p.m.
Tiglas said the money raised will benefit Refugee Services of Texas.
There are certain countries the U.S. government determines people can emigrate from to be considered refugees because the conditions they currently live in are inhospitable.
Refugee Services of Texas helps them with that transition, and BYX sponsors a family every year, Tiglas said.
Broyles said, “It’s so cool just seeing how even one group of guys can transform somebody’s life.”
He added that students who bid the highest on the date will be able to pay with cash, check or credit card during the auction.
BYX members encouraged students to attend the event.
“Bring some money and a heart to give,” Jimmy McGrath, a sophomore strategic communication major, said.