Students have mixed feelings about the option to live on campus as an upperclassman.
For Chelsea Keith, a sophomore interior design major there are positives and negatives for both living on and off of campus.
"I like being on campus all the time because it keeps you involved with everything going on," she said. "But it would also be fun to have my own place next year."
New residence halls continue to be built on campus, and these halls, including the new Worth Hills development, are being designed with upper-level students in mind.
No current change in the housing policy has been made, Craig Allen, director of Housing and Residence Life, said. But some students want to live on campus for their entire stay at the university, so that option should be available, he said.
Living on campus as an upperclassmen would be fine if the new housing facilities were apartment style like Tom Brown Pete Wright, but upperclassmen do not want to live in dorms, Zack Cartmel, a junior psychology major, said.
Junior marketing major Josh Drew said the new halls are a good investment, especially for first and second year students, but he thought juniors and seniors would still live off campus.
"I don't think I would [live on campus] if I were given the chance," Drew said. "I'd still probably prefer to live off campus."
Katie Neuberger, a junior accounting major who lives off campus, agreed with Drew.
"College is about being independent, and you can’t do that living on campus the whole time,” she said.