Finding a part-time job for the summer can be hectic for college students; however, being a summer resident assistant can put an end to the job search and promises students a summer full of learning skills and a place to stay.
According to the summer resident assistant job description, students who have served as a resident assistant for at least one semester and have a 2.75 cumulative grade point average are eligible to apply for a summer resident assistant position.
However, Moncrief Hall Director Miles Oller said the housing department still hires students who have not previously been an RA.
“We actually try to split it half and half, so those students who may’ve been busy in other organizations during the year and couldn’t be an RA are able to apply for the summer RA position,” Oller said.
Oller said they are hiring eight RAs who will have a rotating night shift at the front desk of a residence hall. The RAs will also rotate being on call, which is usually one day out of the week.
This position requires two training sessions and has an employment period lasting for the entire academic summer. Summer RAs must be current TCU students, meaning they are required to either take summer classes or be enrolled for classes in the fall.
Craig Allen, director of Housing & Residence Life, wrote in an email, “We provide housing and meals to employees, and students will gain some excelled skills and experience.”
Allen said the RAs and summer school students will be assigned to live in Moncrief Hall.
“Being an RA, you deal with a lot of communication and conflict resolution. You have to learn how to talk to people who communicate in different ways,” Oller said as he explained what students could gain from being a RA.
Anyone interested can send a resume and cover letter to [email protected]by 5 p.m. on Feb. 22.