Students came to room 320 of Moudy South Thursday night to listen as Francisco Aragón, author of “Glow of Our Sweat,” recited 10 of his poems.
Students and professors gathered to listen to Aragón, who began the event with the first poem from his book “Puerta del Sol.”
“I thought he was unique, I liked how he composed the readings and read in different styles,” Britta Colombo, a first-year business major, said.
The event was sponsored by the English department and was a part of the Live Oak Reading Series, which takes place only a few times a semester.
Aragón, a native of San Francisco, delivered a reading from “Glow of Our Sweat" titled “San Francisco 1985.”
“I liked how he used a lot of alliteration and it was easy and enjoyable to listen to,” Taylor Muller, a junior English major, said. "That was the best for me to experience because I am taking a lot of literature classes and don’t always get to read a lot of poetry."
The event lasted from 6:30 to 8 p.m. After reading his poetry, Aragón answered questions from the audience.
Chantel Langlinais, a professor in the English department, said she was able to relate to Aragón's writing process.
“I think one of my favorite parts [of the event] was when he talked about how long it took him to write about the deaths of his mother and sister because I have had a similar experience as a writer," Langlinais said. "In order to go back to that space in writing, we need a little more time from the event to write creatively.”
Students and professors also had the opportunity to purchase Aragón’s autographed books.