This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Neeley School of Business, which officially became the university’s business school in 1938.
The school is named after M.J. Neeley, a Texas A&M graduate who moved to Fort Worth and held many high-ranking positions at TCU. Neeley, who owned roughly 30 companies throughout his life, served on the Board of Trustees, helped build and construct seven buildings on campus and has donated millions of dollars to the university, according to the Neeley School website.
Homer Erekson, the John V. Roach Dean of the Neeley School of Business, has been the dean for five years and said the preparation for the 75th anniversary has been ongoing for quite a while.
“We actually started two years ago with the Kickoff Gala,” Erekson said. “And by the time it is all said and done, we will have had 75 events.”
The final event is the Diamonds and Ice Gala, which will take place on Nov. 14 at the Renaissance Worthington Hotel in Fort Worth.
Erekson said the idea for the massive celebration was a team decision by many staff and faculty, but he was very involved. In association with the anniversary, Erekson and local author Rix Quinn co-authored “Major Moments,” a book that looks at 80 successful alumni of the Neeley School and what they have achieved.
Some of the events for the 75th anniversary that have already occurred include the Kickoff Gala in May 2011, where the inaugural Bob Bolen Civic Leadership Award was given out to Gordon England for his achievements. Other events were a night at the TCU Rodeo and numerous guest speakers.
The two-year celebration is for good reason, Erekson said. The Neeley School of Business has many important components that should all be recognized.
“It’s about celebrating that community that you have,” Erekson said. “Part of establishing and building our brand is to recognize the friends, the faculty, the staff, the students, the alumni.”
Evan Cliff, a sophomore accounting and finance double major, said the longevity of the school shows how successful it has been.
“It shows we’re really focused on business and that we’re a prestigious business school,” Cliff said. “Seventy-five years just shows and backs up our prestige.”
According the Neeley School of Business website, the school has been ranked 28 on the list of best businesses schools by “Bloomberg BusinessWeek” with an A+ grade for teaching quality, job placement and facilities/services.
For more information on the Neeley School of Business’ 75th anniversary or upcoming events, visit the official 75th Anniversary website.