TCU's latest social media outlet, TCU Admirers, allows students to anonymously post their confessions and crushes.
The Admirers profile says, "Whether you have crushes, confessions, or missed connections, let them know! You can anonymously post anything love-related and it will show up on the Facebook page."
Students have to "friend" the Admirers page to view or write posts, according to the creator of the page. Posts are submitted through a social network called Formspring and then forwarded to Facebook.
The profile says that Formspring ensures that all submissions are kept absolutely anonymous. Not even the creator can see who the posts come from.
The creator, who prefers to remain anonymous, said the Facebook page went active in February.
The profile currently has 1,321 friends that are all TCU students.
Sara Bond, a sophomore business major, said she thinks the site is weird.
"A lot of the people who post on there are creepy," Bond said. "It is being used as a way for people to say things about other people they would never have the guts to say in real life, and sometimes they don't even know the person."
Sophomore business major Luke Moran said he thinks the Facebook page is entertaining.
"I don't take it seriously, but I think it does give some insight as to how students think," Moran said.
McKinnon Roberts, a sophomore political science major, said, "It is kind of like a mimic of Gossip Girl. it is really funny to read, but I think a lot of the posts are not legitimate."
Will Gudenrath, a sophomore biology major, said, "It's funny and slightly creepy, but I don't think it will be around for too much longer."
Here are a few of the posts from the profile as well as social media responses from TCU students: