The first grade Girl Scout Daisy Troop at Saint Andrew Catholic School sold over 1,500 boxes of cookies this year, 75 of which were sponsored to be sent to American service men and women.
The Girl Scout program, Troop to Troops gives Girl Scout customers the opportunity to sponsor packages of Girl Scout cookies to be sent to the American military.
This year, the Saint Andrew Daisy Troop is dedicating their Troop to Troops sponsored cookies to a member of the Saint Andrew Community. David Webb, who has children at Saint Andrew, is currently stationed in Afghanistan, which inspired the idea to send Troop to Troops cookies directly to him and his team.
“A few different parents and leaders thought of sending cookies to Mr. Webb,” said Teresa Sauer, one of the leaders of the Saint Andrew Daisy Troop.
In 2012, cookie sales by The Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains alone culminated more than 37,000 packages of cookies for Troop to Troops which were delivered to service men and women stateside and overseas, according to the Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains official website.
“We have been told that the soldiers really like to have a reminder of home and having the cookies makes them feel a little bit of home to have that part of American life," Sauer said. "That way they know that people are thinking of them."
The Junior Girl Scout Troop at Saint Andrew also sends sponsored cookie boxes to be sent to Webb. According to Sauer, the Junior Troop leader, Joann Sanders, sends cookies to Webb and his team periodically throughout the year.
The Saint Andrew Daisy Troop is expected to send their Troop to Troops sponsored cookies to Webb and his team this week.