TCU students joined Kathy Cavins-Tull, the vice chancellor for student affairs, to learn about her life and role as the administrative voice of the student body Tuesday evening at the Dee J. Kelly Alumni Center.
About 30 students sat along a narrow set of tables and ate a free buffet dinner while Cavins-Tull talked about her life story, her two years at TCU and her personal goals.
Taylor Balch, a senior intern with Student Development Services, moderated questions for the event before a discussion was opened to students.
Cavins-Tull described her job as the supervision of anything that helps TCU students outside of the classroom, with the exception of athletics. She is an advocate for what Horned Frogs want and need in their collegiate experience from leadership to housing and beyond, she said.
“I really bring your voice to the table when we are making decisions about what we should do for you,” Cavins-Tull said to students.
Cavins-Tull said she wants to hear directly from students about what they desire to have changed and what they are happy with at TCU. Cavins-Tull is often excited to sit down one-on-one with students and recommends students talk with any administrator or person they have something to learn from, she said.
Marcela Orjuela, a first-year mechanical engineering major, said that Cavins-Tull seems interested in investing time with students.
Students passed framed pictures of Cavins-Tull’s family around the table as she discussed her world beyond TCU. Cavins-Tull said that family is the most important part of her life.
Cavins-Tull’s intelligence and compassionate personality shined at this event, Kaitlin Helm, a first-year journalism major, said.
“She’s really smart, you can just tell by the way she talks that she is really knowledgeable, but she wouldn’t flaunt that because she is so humble about it,” Helm said.
Cavins-Tull told students that her goal is to make student life better.
“I want you to be proud of your school, I want you to feel like you have gotten the experiences that you wanted here, I want you to leave here loving your university and when you do that, I think that’s my legacy,” Cavins-Tull said.
This dinner was the second “Do You Know Me?” event put on by Student Development Services. This series allows students to learn about and talk with members of the TCU administration, Balch said.
There are no “Do You Know Me?” events currently scheduled for the future.