Senior strategic communication major Chloe Burgoon began serving as intern in the sustainability department last semester, and since then has spearheaded a social media campaign to bolster student awareness of on-campus green inititiaves.
Burgoon said that her current project is to use the sustainability department's Facebook page to inform people that TCU does recycle. She thinks that most people are unaware that the tan Dumpsters on campus go to a recycling facility.
There are currently eleven tan Dumpsters on campus which people can put their trash and recyclables in. The contents are transported to a recycling facility on a weekly basis. This is called the Single Stream Recycling Program, the recycling system that TCU uses. More details about the program can be found on the sustainability website.
Sociology instructor Keith Whitworth, who originally created the sustainability website, hired Burgoon to help with the site and to be in charge of the department’s social media. They are in the first phase, with the goal of reaching out to more students through Facebook and flyers that will be distributed throughout campus.
For the second phase — which will move beyond social media — Burgoon said that Dr. Whitworth wants to put stickers on the Dumpsters around campus to let people know that they can put their recyclables in them.
Burgoon said that the Dumpsters are also a great way for students who live off campus to recycle.
“My friends who live in the Townhomes on Cantey take their recyclables to the Dumpsters on campus,” Burgoon said.
To make the sustainability website more user-friendly, Burgoon said she's "hoping to make a map of where the dumpsters are located and put it on the website."