Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly reported the admission rate for white students, as compared to black students. According to the office of admissions, the rate is about 1.4.
The university does not always prioritize or specify its goals for diversity, which creates a difficult environment for students of diverse backgrounds, according to a report released Tuesday by SGA's diversity commission.
The 26-page report is an exploration of diversity at the university through both quantitative and qualitative analysis. It provided readers with information regarding diversity in the both curricular and co-curricular activities, the admissions process and peer-to-peer interaction.
The report claimed the diversity issues present at TCU begin at admissions, where acceptance rates for minorities were lower than rates for Caucasians.
The discrepancy between races continues in TCU's curricular practices, as the report portrayed a faculty that is even less diverse than they student body they educate.
"If diversity is represented in faculty, students are much more aware that the university is truly dedicated to diversity, as a diverse staff creates a welcome environment for students of all backgrounds," according to the report.
Graphs within the report showed that while just under three-fourths of TCU's students are white and around 87 percent of the faculty is comprised of individuals who consider themselves white.
"Having a faculty that is not diverse hinders the ability of students to understand different values and cultures, which will be integral to career success," according to the report.
According to the report, a few basic conclusions came from the analysis of data collected by the diversity commission, the main idea being that "TCU sets goals for diversity but infrequently concretizes or quantifies those goals."
The report commended many of TCU's initiatives to promote diversity such as the Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship, the Community Scholars program and TCU's College Access programs, but recommended that more must be done to ensure diversity becomes a focus on campus.
Student Body President Josh Simpson said the diversity commission was a result of concerns raised earlier in the school year about a lack of minority representation at TCU.
“The diversity commission is meant to explore what diversity actually means to TCU and what can be done to improve both the perceptions of diversity and the actual diversity numbers," he said.
Diversity commission co-chair Miles Davison said the report may be critical of some of TCU's current practices, but he hopes the university might take note of their report's findings.
“Our hope is that, as we’re critical of anything we might have found, we want the university to do something about it," the junior sociology major said. "Ultimately we want to create a better atmosphere for all students.”