Almost 200 new students attended the first summer Orientation session Sunday night in the BLUU, according to assistant director of transitions Lindsay Knight.
Knight said that 190 new students and over 300 parents and family members attended the event.
“We average about two hundred students per session,” Knight said in an email.
Those students filed into the BLUU ballroom at 6:30 Sunday night for a catered meal and a chance to see the Orientation Student Assistants inform them about the university through a skit.
This year’s skit was themed as an awards show montage, with OSAs acting out many different aspects of going to college, such as meeting a roommate for the first time or staying up all night to finish a paper.
The OSAs also helped the students and their family members with any questions they might have had about the university.
“We’ve been training all semester, starting in January, once a week, with two weeks of training in May,” OSA Mollie Richardson said. “I hope this can help [the students] get off to a good start.”
Marquis Harris, another OSA, said that he enjoyed helping the new students.
“I just love shaping the experience of the first-year students,” Harris said.
The new students will begin day two of Orientation Sunday at 8 a.m., where they will make their schedules and learn more about what programs the university has to offer, according to the Student Development Services website.
The second Orientation session is scheduled to start on June 5th, and the sessions will continue until August 15, according to the Student Development Services website.