All bicycles on campus are now required to be registered with the TCU Police Department and have a bicycle permit, according to the TCU Student Handbook.
“We [the TCU Police Department] have had it in our rules and regulations for the past couple of years as an advised thing to do, but the student handbook came out and said it was a mandatory thing to do this year,” said Janet Martin, administrative assistant for the TCU Police Department.
Bicycles can be registered at the TCU Police Department or online. The permits free and are valid for the entire period the bicycle is at TCU.
According to the TCU Police Department website, bicycles should be registered to discourage theft, to identify the bicycle and to prevent the bicycle’s removal from campus.
There was a thief on campus stealing bikes for a while and by registering your bike we can keep track of it, so you really should register it, said Lt. Ramiro Abad of the TCU Police Department.
If a bicycle is found in a non-approved area it will be confiscated by the TCU Police Department and the owner will be fined $50, according to the TCU campus and parking regulations.
“Bicycles may only be secured at designated bicycle racks. DO NOT secure bicycles to railings, trees, lamp posts, etc.,” wrote DeAnn Jones, coordinator of parking and transportation services, in an email. “Bicycles should not be ridden against the flow of traffic, on grass, planting beds or any non-paved areas or inside University buildings." Jones said. "Bicycles may be confiscated by the TCU Police Department if operated in an unsafe manner or secured to anything other than designated bicycle racks.”
One of the worst things people can do with their bike is to park it on the ramp or stair rails in front of the buildings because it disrupts the flow of people going in and out of the buildings, said Abad.
Dakota Foster, a sophomore political science major, said he thinks the bike registration might not be such a bad thing after all.
“I think that it is a smart idea to make students register their bikes because it adds another barrier making bike theft harder," he said.