Junior Caroline Schifano became an entrepreneur when she was four years old and sold her Halloween candy to her neighbors.
As a Girl Scout, she sold 560 boxes of cookies in one year. Later, she set up a lemonade stand along Colonial Golf Course during the Crowne Plaza Invitational and made $365 in one day.
This semester, Schifano has a new venture: a cookie delivery business for TCU students.
“I thought TCU has a lot of students that live in dorms, and they don’t really have access to a good oven or know how to really put flour and sugar together to make cookies,” said Schifano, an early childhood education major.
Her business, Cookie Bear, offers pre-ordered or last-minute deliveries six nights per week. She delivers between 6 p.m. and midnight to residences within five miles of the TCU campus Monday through Saturday.
Schifano currently serves 12 flavors of cookies, including gluten free varieties, for $10 per dozen. Almost every weekend she tries to develop new recipes, she said. For example, she just created a seasonal pumpkin cookie and wants to create a caramel cookie and M&M cookie.
Her specialty item is what she calls “cookie chips.” Schifano fills a mason jar with pieces of chocolate chip or snicker doodle cookies, ties the jar with ribbon and sells the treat for $8.
“I don’t know why I like the cookie chips better,” she said. “I thought it’d be really cool to have a bag of chips but it would be cookies instead, and you can eat the bag of cookies, or save it for later, and they’d stay fresh for next time.”
A couple of TCU students have already jumped on the cookie chips idea.
Jenna Kirkman, a sophomore in Schifano’s early childhood education classes, said she ordered a jar of cookie chips for her sorority’s big/little reveal. She gave her little the chips as a gift.
“She thought they were amazing,” Kirkman said. “She thought that I baked them myself, and I almost took credit for it because they were so good.”
Another student in her classes, junior Christen LaChance, said sorority women enjoy having this “cute,” pre-packaged gift for the big/little celebrations.
In her first month of business, Schifano said she received about two to three orders per week. She hopes to receive more in the future, even if this means she has to hire some helpers.
Although she plans a career in early childhood education, Schifano also said she is considering the possibility of her bakery business taking off and developing into a full-time job since baking is something she loves to do every day.