Latin may be a dead language, but that doesn’t mean that TCU students aren’t interested.
According to a survey from Student Government Association's Table Talk event last month, students would like to see the addition of a Latin minor out of all of the languages that are not yet in TCU’s current curriculum.
Table Talks are discussions held at different parts of campus with both SGA student representatives and students. A survey is given to students about various questions concerning TCU and the needs of students.
A Latin minor received about 34 percent of the vote for the survey question that gave students the choice of different language minors. Chinese and Arabic tied for second with 19 percent of the vote each.
Trinity University, Tulane University and Southern Methodist University are all other private universities that have successful Latin minors as a part of their curriculum.
Academic Affairs Committee Chair Matt Spangler said that with the possible addition of this new minor, a classical studies major and a growing culture minor would most likely be added as well. Latin would also be able to fulfill the language requirements for students striving for a Bachelor of Arts degree.
The TCU Department of Religion currently offers Greek courses, but there are no Latin classes.Student representatives voted to support the addition of the new minor, and the Academic Affairs Committee will continue to work with the university to make this a possibility for students.
“The main thing that is going to be really difficult will be finding a faculty member, and where the budget is going to come from to hire that faculty member,” Spangler said.
Other items from Tuesday night:
-The bill to provide students with school supplies and the bill to fund the Texas Christian University journal of the arts, eleven40seven, have been tabled to the Finance Committee.
-Christina Sassos, Chris Blanton, Alexandra Wittenberg and Katharine Carvalho were all sworn into the house to fill previously vacant Harris College of Nursing positions.