As Valentine’s Day approaches, hearts, flowers and pink and purple teddy bears fill TCU Florist on University Drive.
As the phone rang and workers cut and gathered colorful blooms, manager Melissa Brock said the florist, which has served Fort Worth since 1946, sold about 200 bouquets last year during the Valentine’s Day season.
A peek inside Kroger, across from the florist on University Drive, reveals an assortment of flowers, balloons, candy and other assorted ways to express adoration.
Kroger employee Victoria Mangrum steadily dipped oversized strawberries in a chocolate coating. Mangrum said TCU Florist is a place that romantic people might visit, but she could not pinpoint a particularly romantic spot in the 76109.
“If I were looking for a place like that, I might try Bluebonnet Circle,” she said.
Something could be in the air around the circle, especially since Fred’s Texas now occupies a previous restaurant located there named the Love Shack.
During a sunny afternoon at the circle, T&T Mini Mart employee Aundry Ligons sat outdoors with his boss’s dog, Layla. Ligons said the circle is a good place for lovers.
“It’s a romantic place,” he said. “Because of the college around here.”
While Instagram posts show “the steps of Robert Carr Chapel,” “Sherley Residence Hall” and the “top of the [Amon G. Carter] stadium” to be romantic places, several Texas Christian University students chuckled at the notion that romance was present anywhere in the 76109, because they had not personally experienced it. One student suggested a park.
Near a pond in Foster Park, friends Katherinne Maradiaga and Anny Rubalcaba joined their children watching the ducks on Maradiaga’s son’s fourth birthday.
Rubalcaba said Foster Park is a good place for the starry-eyed.
“When you first meet someone you can take a walk and listen to the birds and hear the ducks,” Rubalcalca said through a translator. “And it is good.”
Rebeca Auila, 21, and Xavier Rodriguez, 20, were also at Foster Park. The couple walked hand in hand along a walkway before nestling on the grass to listen to the ducks and watch as they sent ringlets of lazy ripples across the water.
While the 76109’s most romantic place is hard to pinpoint, wherever love lurks this Valentine’s Day, area businesses are getting ready for it.