Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price and Chief of Police Jeffrey Halstead spoke on campus Monday about domestic violence as part of the TCU V-Day campaign.
The V-Day campaign hopes to “end violence against women by increasing awareness through events, the media and by raising funds to support organizations working to ensure the safety of women everywhere,” according to the organization’s website.
“There’s been a lot of strides made but there’s a long way to go,” said Price. “Violence against women is never acceptable.”
One Safe Place, a family justice center, is opening a permanent 67,000-square-foot facility in Fort Worth at the end of April. The center will be the second largest family justice center in the world, said Halstead.
“One Safe Place offers psychological and legal-based services for victims and their families in an offender free environment,” he said.
One Safe Place has been providing services for about a year and a half and gathered 10,000 on-site client contacts during this time, according to One Safe Place executive director Ken Shetter.
Halstead said that it is crucial to learn about the social impacts of domestic and family violence.
“It hits every home, no matter a family’s socioeconomic status,” said Halstead. “The second most populated calls within our department are domestic violence related.”
The V-Day campaign’s week of events will conclude with live performances of The Vagina Monologues on Saturday and Sunday. The Vagina Monologues are geared at raising awareness and funds for anti-violence groups.
One can learn more about TCU’s V-Day campaign by visiting their Facebook page or Twitter account.