Students heard tips on ways to market Greek experiences on a job hunt Tuesday from a science and engineering career advisor.
Hosted by Panhellenic Council, the event held in the Brown-Lupton University Ballroom was a part of their Month of the Scholar program.
“It is up to you to tailor your experiences for the professional world,” said Shannon Merchant, college of science and engineering career advisor.”Leadership is definitely a skill an employer wants to see in any field.”
She said to use experiences from Greek organizations on a resume to its fullest potential.
“A company wants to see you as an entire picture, not just you as a Greek,” Merchant said.
It is all about how a resume communicates that role, Merchant said. She said the importance of using the right language to communicate leadership in a campus organization to a business.
“Use industry language – it catches a company’s attention,” Merchant said. “Using Greek language de-professionalizes your resume because of the unfamiliar terminology.”
She used the position of social chair as an example, saying that “working with event vendors” is a better option than “planning parties.”
She also said, “Think less in social terms and more in professional terms.” For example, Merchant said to put the focus on your role with a philanthropic organization rather than on the event that supports it.
“Don’t describe what your position roles or duties were; rather, describe what you did,” Merchant said.
Morgan DeCuir, a sophomore nursing major, said this was the first event of its kind she has attended.
“I really learned how to organize my resume better to put my Greek experience in so that it’s a positive,” DeCuir said.
Merchant said to organize a resume in a format that best displays leadership roles in Greek organizations. She showed three different formats that can be utilized: chronological, functional and a combination of the two. The best option for college students is the combination format, she said.
She said that different ways to arrange a resume can emphasize different parts, but it is important to stay consistent throughout the entire document. Merchant said each person must decide what is most relevant to the job for which he or she is applying.
Emily Helton, a junior strategic communications major, said she found the event very helpful.
“I learned how to apply my leadership to jobs I’ll be applying for in sales,” Helton said. “They really do ask about it in interviews.”
Merchant added, “The main idea is that you really do get a lot of relevant experience…how you communicate that experience matters.”