Though some students may not have heard of Frog Corps, the university’s all-male choir and spirit group, they have been anything but quiet for the past three years.
Alex Adkins, a first-year theater production major, said Frog Corps provides an atmosphere similar to that of a Greek organization.
“It’s kind of my fraternity,” Adkins said. “I can go and have that brotherhood feeling with all different kinds of people.”
Jackson Grosskopf, a first-year economics major, said he joined Frog Corps because he heard great things about it from other people.
“Everybody that I talked to coming in as a freshman said, ‘You’re not going to regret it, it’s going to be really really fun,'” he said.
Brad White, an instructor in choral music and the founder of Frog Corps, said the group embodies Horned Frog spirit.
“The group is a spirit group,” White said. “They perform at TCU football, basketball and baseball games during the regular season.”
Frog Corps members are easily recognized by their purple coats, which were donated to the group after Chancellor Victor Boschini deemed them essential.
“He came to visit us one time in rehearsal and said, ‘You boys need to be in purple suits,’” White said.
White said the students are really proud of their uniforms.
“I swear it’s the only choir uniform I’ve ever known where the students actually love to wear them,” he said.
Frog Corps counts as half an hour of class credit, though not all members pursue this option due to scheduling constraints.
For more information, check out Frog Corps on Facebook or YouTube.