If it is a game, members of the Gamer’s Guild will play it on Friday evenings.
Whether the Gamer’s Guild plays favorites such as Ticket To Ride, Cards Against Humanity or Civilization V, members are always trying new games to socialize over.
David Fox, president of the Gamer’s Guild, said it doesn’t matter whether they play board games or computer games as long as everyone is socializing.
Twenty of the 40 members signed up regularly come, Fox, a junior psychology major, said.
“Anyone can come. There are no dues,” Fox said. “It’s all about friends coming together to have a fun time.”
Rachel Deter, vice president of the Gamer’s Guild, said she has been a member for three years and finds comfort with old and new friends.
“We are not an exclusive group by any means,” Deter, a junior writing major, said. “There are people who stay for hours, and then there are crazy people like us who stay until the building closes.”
Fox said the presence of good company is what makes the Gamer’s Guild unique.
Deter said the organization is drawing in more members through its recognition at the Student Activities Fair during Howdy Week.
With the growing number of members, Deter said she hopes to hold some off-campus events for the Game’s Guild at either Laser Quest or Tornado Terry’s arcade.
Fox said the Guilds’ Facebook group, which anyone can join, has also brought awareness to the group.Amy Grawburg, a junior anthropology major, said she would rather play board games than computer games because they are more relaxing and social.
“I’m on the computer so much that I am like, ‘Ok it’s the end of the day, and I want to get away from all the electronics,’” she said.
Aaron Wilson, a junior secondary education major, said he feels welcome at the Guild even though he is new to the group.
“It’s got a warm-bodied atmosphere, and I really appreciate that,” Wilson said. “It helps new people work themselves into a group.”
The Gamer’s Guild gets its funding from the Student Government Association’s Activities Funding Board, which allows them to buy different games.
Fox said the store Collected: TCU also loans the Guild different types of games each week, which is important for a variety of options.
Deter said an important part of the Guild is the ability to teach and learn about new games together.
“It’s tough learning a new game every week, but it’s also fun,” Deter said. “We are never afraid to teach new people new games.”
The Gamer’s Guild meets every Friday at 6 p.m. in the Miller conference room on the third floor of the Brown-Lupton University Union.