The “Where Ends Meet” student exhibition is underway in the Moudy Gallery.
The exhibit is sponsored by TCU’s official student art organization, ArtOrg, which is an on-campus organization for students interested in art to get together and learn about the local art community and its connection to TCU.
Senior sculpture major and vice president of ArtOrg Briana Williams said their mission is to provide opportunities for undergraduate students in the local art scene.
The organization keeps students informed about gallery nights and community service and even helps students get involved with juried shows.
“We are a little hub to meet people and learn about new opportunities,” Williams said.
Sophomore printmaking major and ArtOrg Treasurer Casey Leone said that at meetings, the group collaborates about art with their peers, graduate students and professors.
“It’s a great way for us to connect with the whole department along with the greater community,” Leone said.
Junior ceramics major and president of ArtOrg Sydney Williams said the theme for the show was relationships and connecting TCU art students.
Studio artists created the content for the show and the art history majors wrote reviews of the work and the overall show.
The ten artists chosen for the show used many different materials to portray their ideas of relationships, ranging from pieces of bone to TV screens.
Two Masters of Fine Arts (MFA) students and one Master of Arts (MA) student were selected by ArtOrg to judge the show. The judges worked together to choose the best works that meet the theme of the exhibit. Around 50 works were submitted by students and eleven were selected for the show by the judges.
“Where Ends Meet” will continue until March 24. The gallery is open Monday through Friday from 11-4 p.m and admission is free.