Despite the lack of participation from students, Chancellor Victor Boschini said he will continue to host town hall meetings.
“Attendance has never been very good at any of them over the past six semesters…but we keep trying,” Boschini said.
Boschini said that hosting town hall meetings is another way to guarantee that student voices will be heard.
“I still contend that SGA is still the best way…but this is just another vehicle for the same,” Boschini said.
The inspiration for the town hall meetings came from a group of students that participated in the “Occupy Sadler” protests of 2011 in reaction to increased tuition, Boschini said.
“When I met with them they asked that I do this on a periodic basis,” Boschini said. “Ever since, we have held town hall meetings.”
The meetings are designed based on the semester. During the fall, Boschini said that he discusses tuition and housing costs. In the spring, he said he leaves the discussion for open-ended questions.
Despite efforts in holding open town hall meetings, many students continue to not attend.
Sophomore strategic communication major Rachel Doran said that the town hall meetings do not catch her attention enough to attend.
“Maybe more advertising that it’s a chance to speak up about the school and if there’s anything somebody wants changed, that’s the place to do it, ” said Doran.
Some students believe that there should be better techniques to reach the student body.
“They should have more flyers around the campus so people would know about it and more e-mails,” said sophomore biology major Andrew Trinh.
Junior communication studies major Paige Michel said that providing incentives to students would motivate them to attend the event.
“Another option is to allow students to participate in a live-streaming or live-blogging to the event,” junior communication studies major Paige Michel said.
The next town hall meeting will be Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. at the Brown-Lupton University Union.