The university’s Global Innovators program is bringing Michele Mitchell, an award-winning filmmaker, journalist and author, to speak on campus.
Mitchell is known for her investigative work in countries such as Nepal, Rwanda, Haiti and Israel.
Her presentation is co-sponsored by the university’s Quality Enhancement Plan and the Bob Schieffer College of Communication.
“In 2014, TCU is presenting a series of programs and events related to Africa and the Caribbean as part of its five-year initiative to further internationalize the campus,” James English, international student adviser and coordinator of the event, said.
During her presentation, “Rwanda: The Aftermath of Genocide and Rape,” Mitchell will present clips from her film “The Uncondemned.” Her latest documentary explores the first prosecution of rape as a crime of war.
“This particular film is the best story I’ve ever had,” Mitchell said. “I hope that students will leave inspired to find their own ‘best stories’ to tell.”
The presentation is part of a larger slate of programming set to remember the Rwanda genocide.
“Mitchell’s visit is the first of several April events commemorating the 20th anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda, which claimed the lives of an estimated 800,000 people and personally changed the life of one TCU student,” English said.
English was referring to Rwandan native Yannick Tona, a first-year political science major, who survived the genocide at the age of four.
“People would have an opportunity to learn about my country,” Tona said about the program. “Not only about the genocide, but also the recovering journey that we have been on since the end of the genocide.”
The lecture will take place on April 1 at 6 p.m. in Moudy North 141.