Five minutes spent with a yoga instructor can be motivating.
“Imagine a day where every single move you make has intention behind it,” yoga instructor Ashley Brand said.
Brand has been teaching yoga for two years now and shows no sign of quitting. Her day jobs consist of instructing at Indigo Yoga in Fort Worth and Karmany Yoga in Dallas, however, she said her favorite class of the week falls on Sundays.
Lululemon athletica stores invite a local business into their store every Saturday for a month to engage the community in a complimentary class. Events can range from kickboxing to weight lifting.
April’s event, at the Fort Worth location, is a complimentary yoga class sponsored by Indigo Yoga. The class will begin April 5 and continue every Saturday for the rest of the month.
Sundays, however, are saved for the cornerstone of the company: yoga practice.
“Sunday Yoga Club”—as Brand likes to call it—is held at 11 a.m. every Sunday in the storefront of the University Park Village location near the 109.
“Yoga, for me, is all about getting to know your body and yourself better,” Brand said. “Starting a yoga practice shows you that every day is different, and that’s OK! It heightens your awareness, bringing mindfulness and intention into all of your actions.”
Everyone is welcome to both the Saturday and Sunday events. There is no registration or sign up, and yoga mats are provided.
Yoga attendees range from young women to retired men, Brand said.
Mimi Heald, a 22-year-old who attends Sunday Yoga Club regularly, said she can no longer imagine her Sundays without yoga.
“This yoga class really puts me in the right mindset for the rest of the day,” she said.
Brand said she started Sunday Yoga Club to give people a permanent place to practice yoga every week for free.
“When I see my students smiling, laughing and giggling throughout the practice I can’t help but smile with them,” she said.