Rachel Rudberg, a first year nursing student and next year’s Hillel president, said she is curious and optimistic about the stories Holocaust survivor Maggie Furst will tell at the seventh installation of the annual museum.
The Hillel Foundation is the home to Jewish life on campus. They have hosted the Holocaust Museum at TCU since 2008.
“I took a trip to Poland to see the camps,” says Rudberg, “and I took the ‘Death March’—a walk [the Jews] made into showers where they were killed—and it was really inspiring.”
Rudberg hopes her experience in Poland, along with the museum displays and Furst’s speech, will enable students and visitors to experience the events and build awareness for such an important point in history.
Furst and her family lived in Asthiem, Germany in 1938 during the Kristallnacht —“the night of broken glass” when mass violence erupted against Jews living in Nazi controlled regions. Furst’s mother was convinced the family needed to leave the country.
Germany still allowed Jews to leave the country if they could find a country willing to take them in. Hence, the Kindertransport program was established.
About 10,000 children from Germany, Poland, Austria and Czechoslovakia were put on trains headed for Holland. Ships waited for the children, bound for the United Kingdom.
Furst and her brother were two of those children.
Arnold Barkman, an associate professor in the department of accounting and a Hillel adviser, emphasized building awareness at the event, especially in today’s age when Holocaust survivors are becoming fewer and fewer.
Furst has kept awareness of the Holocaust alive by sharing her stories. Most recently, the Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for Education and Tolerance featured her story.
The Museum will be open April 7 and April 8 from 9 a.m.to 8 p.m. There will also be a shorter opening on April 9 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. All events are in the Brown-Lupton University Union, room 3301 C and D.
Furst will speak at the museum April 8 at 7 p.m.