Frisco Heights residents got a chance to hear City Council candidates talk about their political platforms at the neighborhood association meeting Tuesday night.
Four out of the six candidates running for District 9 Council positions spoke about their family background, how they entered politics and why they wanted to get into office:
- Ann Zadeh said her emphasis in office will be in planning and working between citizens and the city to improve neighborhoods.
- Ed Lasater said his focus is toward good education and schools, neighborhood preservation and protection, and crime prevention efforts.
- Greg Hughes said he will be “the voice and the ears” of the residents in District 9 and he is ready to solve the problems that the community faces — including neighborhood safety, budget spending and code enforcement.
- Margot Garza said she wants to be the bridge between each neighborhood within the district by establishing a monthly meeting with presidents of each neighborhood as a way to bring people together to solve problems.
Candidates Bernie Scheffler and Brian Renteria were not at the meeting.
Election Day is May 10 and early voting is from April 28 to May 6.
President Paula Deane Traynham also conducted the association’s regular business during the meeting, which included notifying members that there were no current zoning requests for Frisco Heights.
Fort Worth Neighborhood Police Officer Sidney Keith also spoke and gave a neighborhood crime update, reporting that there have been burglaries at various construction sites. He said appliances and tools have been stolen from the properties where new housing is being built.
He also said there have been parking issues with people parking along both sides of street, which creates a potential safety hazard for traffic and emergency vehicles. Two problem areas he mentioned are on Lubbock and Sandage.
Residents were advised to contact the non-emergency number for police if they experience any trouble with parking or noise in the area.
The crime report ignited a conversation among residents about parking issues.
Secretary Linda Brindwell, who lives across from Paschal High School, said she has trouble driving down the street with the excessive parking along both sides.
She said she never has a free space in front of her house and illegally parked cars should be ticketed by Fort Worth police.
Some residents have considered trying to make certain streets a no parking zone during the day, she said, but the problem with that solution is that residents can’t park there either.
Brindwell said the solution to the issue should be to implement parking permits for residents so they can have the ability to park along the street.
In addition to discussing parking, attendees talked about development in Frisco Heights and zoning activity in areas surrounding their neighborhood.
Traynham said Frisco Heights is “transitioning” with the new developments of student- style housing within the neighborhood.
She said she recognizes there is nothing she or her neighborhood can do about the changes. But she said her job is to be the unpaid overseer to ensure that developers aren’t building cheap products and that they are in compliance city codes.
She asked residents to report any code violations to the city.