Strangers came together to celebrate a soon-to-be mother whose struggle inspired students to plan a surprise baby shower.
Angelina Watson, the woman who was honored, said she was grateful for the students who worked to give her the experience.
“I don’t have family and I would have never expected to have [a baby shower], so having one definitely meant a lot to me,” Watson said.
Veronica Jones, a senior english major, met Watson at the Union Gospel Mission, a homeless shelter in downtown Fort Worth.
Jones said she was touched by Watson’s story of being homeless and conceiving a child after being raped.
Jones decided to take action and planned a surprise baby shower with the help of fellow members of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) women’s bible study on campus. Most of the volunteers helped plan the event despite never having met Watson.
“I felt led to bless her with a baby shower and to bless the baby,” Jones said. “I didn’t realize it would turn out so well. This is all God and I give Him all the glory for this.”
Watson said she believes her baby is a blessing and is excited to meet her.
“She’s my superhero, I don’t think I would have the motivation to do the things that I’m doing now if it wasn’t for her,” Watson said about her baby.
Makena Schroder, a sophomore early childhood education major and member of the FCA women’s bible study, said she was surprised by how many people came together to provide gifts and help set up the event.
“So many other women showed up from our churches and in the TCU community and asked how they could help and if they could come and bring gifts,” Schroder said.
More than 20 women gathered at the shelter to celebrate. People exclaimed over the gifts and baby clothes and took turns speaking about their appreciation for Watson and her journey.
The baby shower ended with everyone in the room holding hands and praying over the mother-to-be.
Watson said that the baby shower was more than she expected.
“It was awesome, it was more than I could ever hope for,” Watson said.