It was a night filled with corrupt kidnaps, aeronautical apps and scandalous slaps in the Brown-Lupton University Union Auditorium filled to capacity Thursday night for the premiere of “SAC: The Movie.”
After two months of shooting and editing, Senseless Acts of Comedy (SAC) released their 23-minute student-produced short film.
The film was written and directed by SAC member Jeremy Culhane and produced by co-presidents Connor Paden and Grant Moore. Many of SAC’s members are part of the TCU Student Filmmakers Association.
“We make short videos for a show every week and this movie came around to kind of finish the season with a bang,” said Paden, a junior sports broadcasting major. “We have a lot of graduating members so it’s a good finale of sorts.”
For Pearce Byrd, a graduating French major finishing his sixth semester in the troupe, “SAC: The Movie” is more than just a comedy sketch.
“An overall message in the movie is that we are a close group of students that are able to provide the TCU community with a fun, free, safe environment to really enjoy and express themselves on a Thursday night,” said Byrd. “It’s about friendship and everyone coming together.”
For the past few years, SAC has grown from 25 viewers a week to more than 300 every week.
Byrd attributes this success to improved marketing techniques, increased competitiveness of SAC in improvisation tournaments outside of TCU’s campus and a steady flow of video segments uploaded to YouTube.
“Everything that SAC is now has stemmed from such incredible hard work and fantastic leadership,” said Byrd. “Getting the group to meet at 7 a.m. to take pictures and film in the freezing rain is not easy to organize, but we do it every week.”
SAC’s final show of the spring semester will be next Thursday at 9 p.m. in the BLUU Auditorium.
”SAC: The Movie” trailer, courtesy of the Senseless Acts of Comedy YouTube channel.
Editor’s note: This story was updated on Saturday, April 19 at 11:00 a.m.