Children released blue balloons Sunday before filing into Frost Park to kick off Colonial Week.
Nike Youth Golf Clinic was held from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and was free to the public.
Music and mascots entertained the group, which later listened as professional golfer Chris Williams shared tips on stroke and tee height.
Prior to Frost Park’s opening, Allie Perkins, 10, waited near the entrance with her grandmother, Lynda Perkins.
“Me and my dad usually golf,” Allie said.
Like many of the children, Allie said her favorite part of it all is “whenever the famous people come.”
Between 500 and 800 children usually attend the clinic, event organizer Amy Hailey said.
The Fort Worth Cats mascot, Dodger, won the mascot dance championship before the entire group was led pied piper-style behind bagpipes to the activities, food and fun awaiting them inside Frost Park.
Once inside, twin brothers Aidan and Tate Christian, 10, stood near the practice stations. The Tanglewood Elementary fifth-graders normally like about the same things, they said.
And on their list is “watching the golfers play,” Tate said.
Meanwhile, Rickie Clark and granddaughters Rikkia and Kiki Wright and Ashley and Amber Stamps, waited in line to hone their golfing skills. Goodie bags in tow, the girls, including three-year-old Kiki, joined their grandpa on the green.
Rikkia, 10, said her favorite part of Nike’s Youth Golf Clinic is getting to spend time with family.
“We don’t get a chance to play Colonial, so we come out here during the Crowne,” Clark said. “My grandbabies love it.”