Non-music major students looking to further their piano study while at TCU have an opportunity to do so.
TCU’s School of Music offers private piano lessons for credit. The lessons are open to undergraduate non-music major students with prior piano experience. Students interested must audition before gaining a permission number to enroll in the course.
Auditions are typically held on the first Monday or Tuesday of each semester, said Dr. Ann Gipson Director of TCU’s Piano Pedagogy Program.
Gipson wrote in an email that the students who audition are asked to play a prepared piano piece and two or three additional pieces that they have previously played. They also must sight read short examples of piano literature and discuss their piano and music theory background.
The audition process, which lasts about 15 minutes, is done in front of Dr. Gipson and the Chair of the Piano Division, John Owings.
Graduate students in the program teach the private lessons. Students may enroll in either one-credit or two-credit hours.
A one-credit selection provides a 30-minute private lesson each week, while a two-credit selection provides an hour-long private lesson, said Gipson.
There are ten students enrolled this semester in the course.