Young Americans for Freedom is honoring the victims of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11 in a memorial on campus today.
The organization stuck 2,977 flags in the ground in front of Frog Fountain this morning to commemorate the lives lost 13 years ago. The flags will remain there for the entire day.
YAF President Jennifer Tomany said, “The whole goal is to keep telling the story of 9/11. We as students who lived through that want to continually remember it.”
Junior strategic communication major Madison Ladd said she was impressed by the memorial while passing by this morning, and that she sees it as a valuable tradition to start on campus.
“I saw the flags out here last year and I think it’d be good to honor those who died in the 9/11 attacks every year on campus,” Ladd said. “It’s important that we never forget those whose lives were lost.”
Young Americans for Freedom is in its second year on campus.
The group defines itself on its Facebook page as a non-partisan, non-profit activism group advancing conservative values on campus.
“We want people to realize that there are two sides to every issue and sometimes you only get presented one side,” Tomany said. “Our goal is to get people to think and make their own informed opinions.”
Junior movement science major and YAF member Eliesa Igler said the group is an asset to campus by encouraging students to keep informed.
“I know sometimes in the college community we just get in a bubble and get stressed out with school and stuff so we kind of ignore what’s going on,” Igler said. “We try to raise awareness about the political events going on.”