Trip coordinators are looking for seniors who wish to make a lasting relationship with the community in Yucatan, Mexico during fall break.
Students will travel to the Mayan University near Merida, Mexico, where they will work with different non-governmental organizations and an American consulate.
“What we really want to do, we want to find ways to serve as a bridge to that community down there and the community here in Fort Worth,” said Chuck Dunning, director of the Senior Year Experience.
The trip is based on a set of collaborative principles, focusing on community building through vision. The principles also focus on identifying needs and using students’ strengths to meet those needs.
“This program provides participating seniors with a high-quality experience of community engagement with an international emphasis. First priority goes to seniors desiring an international experience who have not had a prior college-level international learning experience that involves travel,”according to the program description.
The trip is designed to be a long-term event.
“We have to recruit a group of students that understand that they are going to lay the foundation for the future of this program, which is really exciting to me,” said Dunning.
Dunning also said there has been a “good” response from students so far.
According to the program description on each application, there may be scholarship opportunities for students. Trip cost is estimated at $2,000 per student.